UNACOM joined the Regional Meeting of National Commission for UNESCO

Published On: May 23rd, 2024
Participants of Regional Meeting of National Commission for UNESCO

The UNESCO-Philippine National Commission (UNACOM or PH NatCom) joined the Regional Meeting of Five National Commissions for UNESCO, on 7 -8 May 2024, in Jakarta Indonesia.

UNACOM, through its Deputy Executive Director Lindsay Barrientos and Education Programme Officer Michelle Dulay, participated in the Regional Meeting of Five National Commissions for UNESCO with a theme Synergizing Action: Consultative Meeting of UNESCO National Commissions and Regional Office, on 7-8 May 2024 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The event served as a venue for sharing, reviewing, and co-planning UNESCO’s 42 C/5 programmes and projects. It also provided a platform for discussing goals, strategic approaches, and coordination techniques for partnership between National Commissions and UNESCO Jakarta. Among the expected outputs/outcomes are coordination mechanisms for effective delivery as agreed with the five countries as well as the alignment with UNESCO networks such as the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Management of Social Transformation, Man and Biosphere Programme, Category II Centers, and UNESCO Chairs.
Photo Credits: UNESCO Jakarta

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