[Special Webinar] Science to Enable and Empower Asia Pacific for COVID 19 Response

The COVID19 pandemic poses significant challenges for Asia and the Pacific. It is anticipated that millions will be pushed back into poverty, while progress towards the SDGs will be drastically impacted.

UNESCO’s thematic and inter-disciplinary science networks, supported by Japanese Funds-in-Trust (JFIT) and the Malaysia Funds-in-Trust (MFIT) span the region and have the potential to play a critical role in mobilizing science communities across Asia and the Pacific, enhancing the sharing of lessons from Member States and advancing international cooperation.

As an important member of these networks, UNESCO now asks you to make your voice heard. In order to take stock of the impact of the pandemic on UNESCO’s regional science networks, and to present and discuss how we–individually and collectively–can respond to the challenges it poses.

Register here: https://bit.ly/SEEAP-COVID19-Webinar-Reg

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