Memory of the World Programme

Last Update: January 10, 2017

The Memory of the World Programme

The Memory of the World (MOW) Programme lists some of humanity’s most historically- and culturally-significant documents. The programme preserves and protects our access to recorded knowledge from all over the world. It also lists invaluable archive holdings and library collections.

PhNatCom further strengthens the programme by holding awareness-raising seminars and encouraging nominations for national, regional and international registers.

The Philippine inscriptions in the MOW international register are:

  • The Presidential Papers of Manuel L. Quezon (National Museum);
  • The Philippine Paleographs (Hanunuo and Buid in Mindoro; and Tagbanua and Palawan in Palawan);
  • The Radio Broadcast of the Philippine People Power Revolution (Radio Veritas); and
  • The Jose Maceda Collection (UP Center of Ethnomusicology).


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